How to have all news in one place

Having all your news in one place can be convenient and help you stay up-to-date on current events. Here are some ways to achieve this:

  1. News Aggregators:
    • Google News: A popular news aggregator that collects articles from thousands of sources and allows you to customize your feed.
    • Apple News: A news aggregator app for iOS devices that provides a personalized feed based on your interests.
    • Flipboard: A news aggregator app that allows you to create a personalized magazine with articles from various sources.
  2. News Apps:
    • The News (iOS, Android): A news app from Apple that provides a personalized feed based on your interests and location.
    • Feedly (iOS, Android): A news app that allows you to follow your favorite news sources and customize your feed.
    • Inoreader (iOS, Android): A news app that allows you to follow your favorite news sources and customize your feed.
  3. RSS Feeds:
    • Set up RSS feeds for your favorite news sources and use an RSS reader app or browser extension to aggregate the feeds.
    • Feedly and Inoreader mentioned above also support RSS feeds.
  4. Newsletters:
    • Subscribe to newsletters from your favorite news sources or websites to receive daily or weekly summaries of top stories.
    • Many news sources offer newsletters, such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Guardian.
  5. Social Media:
    • Follow your favorite news sources and journalists on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
    • Use social media aggregators like Hootsuite or Buffer to streamline your social media feeds.
  6. Podcasts:
    • Listen to news podcasts like The Daily (The New York Times), Pod Save America, or NPR's Up First to stay informed on current events.
  7. Newsletters and Briefings:
    • The Skimm: A daily newsletter that summarizes top news stories in a concise and engaging way.
    • The Brief: A daily newsletter from The New York Times that provides a summary of top news stories.
    • The Morning Brief: A daily newsletter from The Washington Post that provides a summary of top news stories.

By using one or a combination of these methods, you can have all your news in one place and stay informed on current events.