How to get on opera news

Opera News is a popular online publication that covers news, reviews, and features about opera and classical music. Here are some ways to get your work published on Opera News:

  1. Submit a pitch: Opera News accepts pitches for articles, reviews, and features. Send a brief summary of your idea, including the topic, angle, and any relevant background information, to [email protected].
  2. Write a query letter: If you have a specific article or review in mind, write a query letter to the editor, including a brief summary of your idea, your qualifications, and any relevant samples of your writing.
  3. Join the Opera News contributor network: Opera News has a network of freelance contributors who write for the publication on a regular basis. To join the network, send a query letter or pitch to the editor, including a portfolio of your writing and any relevant experience.
  4. Attend opera performances and events: Opera News often sends writers to cover performances and events. If you're interested in covering an event, reach out to the editor and ask if they have any assignments available.
  5. Network with other opera professionals: Building relationships with other opera professionals, such as singers, conductors, and directors, can help you get your foot in the door. Attend opera events, join online forums and groups, and connect with other opera enthusiasts to build your network.

Some tips to keep in mind:

Additionally, Opera News also accepts submissions for their blog, which covers a wider range of topics related to opera and classical music. If you're interested in writing for the blog, you can submit a pitch or query letter to [email protected].