How to get new emojis on android

To get new emojis on Android, you can follow these steps:

Method 1: Update your Android operating system

  1. Go to your device's Settings app.
  2. Scroll down and select "System" or "About phone" (the exact option may vary depending on your device).
  3. Tap on "System update" or "Software update".
  4. If an update is available, tap "Download and install" to update your Android operating system.
  5. Once the update is installed, restart your device.

Method 2: Update your keyboard app

  1. Open your default keyboard app (e.g., Google Keyboard, SwiftKey, or Samsung Keyboard).
  2. Look for an update button or a settings icon (usually represented by three horizontal lines or a gear icon).
  3. Tap on the update button or settings icon.
  4. Check for updates and install any available updates.

Method 3: Install a third-party emoji keyboard app

  1. Go to the Google Play Store.
  2. Search for "emoji keyboard" or "emoji app".
  3. Install a third-party emoji keyboard app, such as Emoji Keyboard, Emoji Keyboard Pro, or Emoji Switch.
  4. Follow the app's installation instructions to set it as your default keyboard.

Method 4: Enable Emoji Support in your device's settings

  1. Go to your device's Settings app.
  2. Scroll down and select "Language & input" or "Language and keyboard" (the exact option may vary depending on your device).
  3. Tap on "Emoji" or "Emoji support".
  4. Enable emoji support by toggling the switch to the "On" position.

Method 5: Use a custom ROM or emoji pack

  1. If you're comfortable with rooting your device or using a custom ROM, you can install a custom ROM that includes new emojis.
  2. Alternatively, you can download an emoji pack from a reputable source and install it on your device.

Note: The availability of new emojis may vary depending on your device, Android version, and keyboard app. Additionally, some devices may not support all emojis, even after updating your operating system or installing a new keyboard app.