How to get footballer lifestyle and history news

Here are some ways to get footballer lifestyle and history news:

Online News Sources

  1. BBC Sport: The BBC's sports section provides in-depth coverage of football news, including lifestyle and history stories.
  2. Sky Sports: Sky Sports is another popular online source for football news, including lifestyle and history features.
  3. The Guardian: The Guardian's football section often features lifestyle and history articles, as well as news and analysis.
  4. The Telegraph: The Telegraph's football section provides news, analysis, and lifestyle features.
  5. ESPN: ESPN's website and social media channels often feature football news, including lifestyle and history stories.

Social Media

  1. Follow footballers on social media: Many footballers have official social media accounts where they share their personal lives, interests, and experiences.
  2. Follow football news accounts: Follow accounts like @BBCSport, @SkySports, @TheGuardian, and @TheTelegraph to stay up-to-date with the latest football news, including lifestyle and history stories.
  3. Join football fan groups: Join online groups or forums dedicated to football to connect with other fans and stay informed about the latest news and stories.


  1. The Guardian's Football Weekly: This podcast covers all aspects of football, including lifestyle and history stories.
  2. The Telegraph's The Football Ramble: This podcast features a mix of news, analysis, and lifestyle stories from the world of football.
  3. The Totally Football Show: This podcast covers all aspects of football, including lifestyle and history stories.

Books and Documentaries

  1. Biographies: Read biographies of famous footballers to learn about their lives, careers, and personal stories.
  2. Documentaries: Watch documentaries about football, such as "The Class of '92" or "The Four Year Plan", which explore the history and culture of the sport.
  3. Football history books: Read books about the history of football, such as "The Ball is Round" by David Goldblatt or "Soccernomics" by Simon Kuper and Stefan Szymanski.


  1. FourFourTwo: This magazine covers all aspects of football, including lifestyle and history stories.
  2. When Saturday Comes: This magazine is dedicated to the culture and history of football.
  3. The Blizzard: This magazine features in-depth articles and analysis on football history and culture.


  1. BBC Radio 5 Live: This radio station often features football news, analysis, and lifestyle stories.
  2. TalkSport: This radio station covers all aspects of football, including lifestyle and history stories.

By following these sources, you'll be well-informed about the latest footballer lifestyle and history news!