How to get credit card in usa for new immigrants

As a new immigrant to the USA, getting a credit card can be a bit challenging, but it's not impossible. Here are some steps you can follow to increase your chances of getting approved for a credit card:

  1. Check your credit score: Even if you don't have a credit history in the USA, you may have a credit score in your home country. Check your credit score with the three major credit reporting agencies in the USA: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. You can request a free credit report from
  2. Build a credit history: If you don't have a credit score, you'll need to build one. You can do this by:
    • Opening a secured credit card account with a credit limit of $200-$500.
    • Making regular payments on time.
    • Keeping your credit utilization ratio below 30%.
  3. Choose a credit card that's suitable for new immigrants: Look for credit cards that cater to new immigrants or those with limited credit history. Some examples include:
    • Secured credit cards: These require a security deposit, which becomes your credit limit.
    • Credit-builder credit cards: These are designed for people with limited credit history and may require a co-signer.
    • Credit cards for international students or workers: Some credit cards are specifically designed for international students or workers who are new to the USA.
  4. Apply for a credit card: Once you've chosen a credit card, apply online or in-person at a bank or credit union. Be prepared to provide:
    • Identification documents (e.g., passport, driver's license, social security card).
    • Proof of income (e.g., pay stubs, tax returns).
    • Proof of address (e.g., lease agreement, utility bills).
  5. Consider a co-signer: If you're having trouble getting approved for a credit card on your own, consider asking a creditworthy co-signer (e.g., a friend or family member with good credit) to help you get approved.
  6. Monitor your credit report: Keep an eye on your credit report to ensure it's accurate and up-to-date. You can request a free credit report from
  7. Make timely payments: Pay your credit card bill on time, every time. Late payments can negatively affect your credit score.

Some popular credit cards for new immigrants in the USA include:

  1. Secured Mastercard from Capital One: This card requires a security deposit, which becomes your credit limit.
  2. Discover it Secured: This card also requires a security deposit and offers rewards and cashback.
  3. Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards Credit Card: This card is designed for people with limited credit history and offers cashback rewards.
  4. Citi Secured Mastercard: This card requires a security deposit and offers a credit limit based on your deposit amount.
  5. Wells Fargo Secured Credit Card: This card requires a security deposit and offers a credit limit based on your deposit amount.

Remember to always read the terms and conditions carefully before applying for a credit card, and make sure you understand the fees, interest rates, and rewards associated with the card.