How to generate xml link for google news feeds

To generate an XML link for Google News feeds, you can follow these steps:

  1. Find the topic or keyword: Identify the topic or keyword you're interested in getting news updates on. You can use Google News to search for the topic and find the relevant section.
  2. Get the topic ID: Once you've found the topic, look for the topic ID in the URL. The topic ID is usually a long string of numbers and letters that follows the /q/ or /search/ part of the URL. For example:
  3. Construct the XML link: Use the topic ID to construct the XML link in the following format:<topicID>&output=rss

    Replace <topicID> with the actual topic ID you found in step 2.

For example, if the topic ID is 1234567890, the XML link would be:
  1. Add additional parameters (optional): You can add additional parameters to customize the feed. For example:
    • lang: specifies the language of the feed (e.g., lang=en for English).
    • sort: specifies the sorting order of the feed (e.g., sort=date for chronological order).
    • num: specifies the number of items to return in the feed (e.g., num=10 for 10 items).

Here's an example with additional parameters:
  1. Use the XML link: You can use the generated XML link in your application or feed reader to retrieve the news updates.

Note: Google News feeds are subject to change, and the format of the XML link may change over time. Additionally, some topics may not have an XML link available.