How to find useful study notes 2022

Finding useful study notes can be a challenge, but here are some tips to help you in 2022:

  1. Use online note-taking platforms: Websites like Evernote, OneNote, and Simplenote allow you to organize and tag your notes, making it easy to find what you need.
  2. Search engines: Use specific keywords related to your subject or topic, and filter the results by date to find recent and relevant notes.
  3. Academic databases: Many academic databases, such as Google Scholar, JSTOR, and ResearchGate, provide access to research papers, articles, and notes from experts in your field.
  4. Online communities: Join online forums, Reddit, and social media groups related to your subject, where students and experts share notes, resources, and study tips.
  5. Open Educational Resources (OER): Websites like OpenStax, Rice University's Connexions, and MIT OpenCourseWare offer free and open-source educational materials, including notes and study guides.
  6. University libraries: Many university libraries provide online access to study notes, textbooks, and other resources. Check your institution's library website for more information.
  7. Peer-to-peer note sharing: Websites like Chegg, StudySoup, and Notehall allow students to share and buy notes from each other.
  8. Flashcard apps: Apps like Anki, Quizlet, and Flashcards Deluxe help you create digital flashcards and study sets, making it easier to review and retain information.
  9. Podcasts: Listen to educational podcasts, such as Crash Course, CGP Grey, and SciShow, which often provide concise and engaging notes on various subjects.
  10. Create your own notes: While finding existing notes can be helpful, it's also essential to create your own notes and summaries. This helps you understand and retain information better.

Some popular online resources for study notes in 2022 include:

Remember to always evaluate the credibility and accuracy of the notes you find, and use them as a supplement to your own learning and understanding.