How to find someones new twitter name

A fun challenge!

There are a few ways to find someone's new Twitter name:

  1. Check their old Twitter profile: If you know their old Twitter handle, you can try searching for it on Twitter. If they've changed their name, their old profile might still be available, and you can find their new handle from there.
  2. Search for their name: Try searching for the person's name on Twitter. If they've changed their handle, their new name might show up in the search results. You can use quotes to search for their exact name, like this: "John Doe".
  3. Check their other social media profiles: If you know the person's other social media handles (e.g., Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn), you can try searching for them on Twitter. Sometimes, people use similar handles across platforms.
  4. Ask mutual friends or acquaintances: If you have friends or acquaintances who are also connected to the person, you can ask them if they know the person's new Twitter handle.
  5. Use Twitter's "People" search: Twitter has a "People" search feature that allows you to search for users by name, username, or email address. You can try searching for the person's name or email address to see if their new handle shows up.
  6. Check Twitter's "Who to follow" section: Sometimes, Twitter suggests new accounts to follow based on your interests and connections. You can check the "Who to follow" section on your Twitter homepage or in the Twitter app to see if the person's new handle shows up.
  7. Use a people search engine: There are several people search engines available online that can help you find someone's Twitter handle, such as Pipl or Spokeo. Keep in mind that these services may not always have the most up-to-date information.

Remember to respect people's privacy and only use their new Twitter handle for legitimate purposes, such as reconnecting with them or following their content.