How to find radom news and tweet

Here are some ways to find random news and tweet about it:

Finding Random News:

  1. Google News: Use Google News to search for random news articles. You can use keywords like "random news" or "latest news" to get a variety of articles.
  2. News Aggregators: Websites like AllSides, NewsNow, or Inoreader aggregate news from various sources. You can use these sites to find random news articles.
  3. Reddit: Reddit has a "Random Acts of Journalism" subreddit where users share random news articles.
  4. News Apps: Apps like Apple News, Google News, or Flipboard can provide you with a curated feed of random news articles.
  5. RSS Feeds: Subscribe to RSS feeds from various news sources to get random news articles delivered to your feed reader.

Tweeting about Random News:

  1. TweetDeck: Use TweetDeck to schedule tweets about random news articles. You can use the "Random" feature to select a random tweet to post.
  2. Hootsuite: Hootsuite allows you to schedule tweets and also has a "Random" feature to select a random tweet to post.
  3. IFTTT (If This Then That): Use IFTTT to create a recipe that tweets about random news articles. You can use a news RSS feed as the trigger and tweet about the article as the action.
  4. Tweetbot: Tweetbot is a Twitter client that allows you to schedule tweets and also has a "Random" feature to select a random tweet to post.
  5. Random Tweet Generators: There are several online tools that generate random tweets about news articles. Some examples include Random Tweet Generator, Tweet Randomizer, or News Tweet Generator.


By following these tips and using the methods mentioned above, you can find random news and tweet about it in a way that's engaging and informative for your followers.