How to draft an official email delivering bad news

The art of delivering bad news via email! It's a delicate task that requires empathy, clarity, and professionalism. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you draft an official email delivering bad news:

Before you start writing:

  1. Take a moment to process your emotions: It's essential to compose yourself before sending an email that may cause distress to the recipient.
  2. Gather all necessary information: Make sure you have all the relevant details, including any supporting documents or evidence, to back up your message.
  3. Choose the right tone: Be kind, respectful, and professional in your tone. Avoid being abrupt or insensitive.

The structure of your email:

  1. Subject line: Use a clear and concise subject line that sets the tone for the email. For example, "Important Update Regarding [Topic]"
  2. Introduction: Start with a polite and empathetic greeting. Acknowledge the recipient's time and express your regret for having to deliver bad news.
  3. The bad news: Clearly state the issue or problem, using "I" statements to take ownership of the message. Be specific and provide relevant details.
  4. Explanations and context: Offer additional context or explanations to help the recipient understand the situation. Keep this section concise and focused.
  5. Next steps: Outline the necessary actions or steps the recipient needs to take. Provide any relevant deadlines or timelines.
  6. Closing: End with a polite and professional closing, reiterating your regret for having to deliver bad news.
  7. Signature: Include your name, title, and contact information.

Example email:

Subject: Important Update Regarding Job Elimination

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I wanted to reach out to you personally to discuss a difficult topic. Unfortunately, due to [briefly explain the reason], we have made the decision to eliminate [job title] from our organization.

I want to assure you that this decision was not taken lightly, and I understand the impact it may have on you and your colleagues. I want to express my sincerest regret for having to deliver this news.

The elimination of this role is effective [date]. We will be providing [support or resources] to help you transition to a new role within the company. If you are interested in exploring other opportunities, please reach out to [name of HR representative or career counselor].

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me directly. I am committed to supporting you through this transition.

Thank you for your understanding, and I wish you the best in your future endeavors.


[Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Company]

Additional tips:

  1. Proofread carefully: Double-check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors to ensure your email is professional and error-free.
  2. Be prepared for a response: Anticipate the recipient's reaction and be prepared to respond to any questions or concerns they may have.
  3. Follow up: If necessary, follow up with a phone call or meeting to discuss the situation further and provide additional support.

Remember, delivering bad news via email requires empathy, clarity, and professionalism. By following these guidelines, you can help minimize the impact of the news and show respect for the recipient's time and emotions.