How to do a scrolling news in a website

A scrolling news feed, also known as a news ticker or scrolling marquee, is a popular feature on many websites. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create a scrolling news feed on your website:

Option 1: Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

  1. HTML: Create a container element (e.g., <div>) to hold the news feed. Give it an ID (e.g., news-feed) and a class (e.g., scrolling-news).
    <div id="news-feed" class="scrolling-news"></div>
  2. CSS: Style the container element to have a fixed height, width, and background color. You can also add some padding and border styles to make it look nicer.
    .scrolling-news {
    width: 300px; /* adjust to your desired width */
    height: 200px; /* adjust to your desired height */
    background-color: #f0f0f0;
    padding: 10px;
    border: 1px solid #ccc;
    overflow: hidden;
  3. JavaScript: Use JavaScript to create the scrolling effect. You can use a library like jQuery or write your own code using the setInterval() function.

Here's an example using jQuery:

$(document).ready(function() {
  var newsFeed = $("#news-feed");
  var newsItems = [
    "News item 1",
    "News item 2",
    "News item 3",
    // add more news items here
  var newsIndex = 0;
  var intervalId = setInterval(function() {
    newsIndex = (newsIndex + 1) % newsItems.length;
  }, 5000); // adjust the interval time to your liking

This code creates a scrolling effect by updating the HTML content of the container element with a new news item every 5 seconds.

Option 2: Using a JavaScript library or plugin

There are many JavaScript libraries and plugins available that can help you create a scrolling news feed with minimal code. Some popular options include:

  1. Slick: A popular JavaScript library for creating responsive, touch-enabled carousels and scrolling news feeds.
  2. Owl Carousel: A popular JavaScript library for creating responsive, touch-enabled carousels and scrolling news feeds.
  3. News Ticker: A lightweight JavaScript plugin specifically designed for creating scrolling news feeds.

These libraries and plugins often come with pre-built templates and customization options, making it easy to integrate a scrolling news feed into your website.

Tips and variations