How to disable prestashop news

To disable PrestaShop news, you can follow these steps:

Method 1: Disable News Module

  1. Log in to your PrestaShop admin dashboard.
  2. Go to Modules > Modules.
  3. Find the News module and click on the Configure button.
  4. In the News module configuration page, toggle the Active switch to Off.
  5. Click Save to save the changes.

Method 2: Disable News Block

  1. Log in to your PrestaShop admin dashboard.
  2. Go to Modules > Blocks.
  3. Find the News block and click on the Configure button.
  4. In the News block configuration page, toggle the Active switch to Off.
  5. Click Save to save the changes.

Method 3: Disable News in Theme Settings

  1. Log in to your PrestaShop admin dashboard.
  2. Go to Preferences > Themes.
  3. Click on the Configure button next to your active theme.
  4. In the theme configuration page, scroll down to the Layout section.
  5. Find the News option and toggle the Display news switch to Off.
  6. Click Save to save the changes.

Method 4: Disable News using PHP

  1. Log in to your PrestaShop admin dashboard.
  2. Go to Advanced Parameters > Performance.
  3. In the Performance page, click on the PHP tab.
  4. In the PHP tab, add the following code to the Additional PHP files field:
    if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_')) {
    Configuration::updateValue('PS_NEWS_ACTIVE', false);
  5. Click Save to save the changes.

After disabling the news, you should no longer see the news block on your PrestaShop store's front-end.