How to disable hot news from android

Hot News, also known as "Bubbles" or "Notification Shade", is a feature in Android that displays a list of recent notifications at the top of the screen. While it can be convenient, some users may find it distracting or annoying. Here's how to disable Hot News on Android:

Method 1: Disable Hot News from Settings

  1. Go to your Android device's Settings app.
  2. Scroll down and select Notifications.
  3. Look for the Hot News or Bubbles option and toggle it off.

Method 2: Disable Hot News from Notification Shade

  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen to open the Notification Shade.
  2. Long-press on a notification to open the notification menu.
  3. Tap on the Settings icon (represented by three vertical dots) at the top right corner.
  4. Scroll down and toggle off Hot News or Bubbles.

Method 3: Disable Hot News using a third-party app

  1. Download and install a third-party app like Notification Cleaner or Notification Manager from the Google Play Store.
  2. Open the app and grant it the necessary permissions.
  3. Look for the Hot News or Bubbles option and toggle it off.

Method 4: Disable Hot News using a custom launcher

  1. If you're using a custom launcher like Nova Launcher or Apex Launcher, you can disable Hot News from the launcher's settings.
  2. Open the launcher's settings and look for the Notifications or Hot News option.
  3. Toggle it off to disable Hot News.

After disabling Hot News, you may still see notifications at the top of the screen, but they won't be displayed as a list of recent notifications. If you want to disable notifications altogether, you can do so by going to Settings > Notifications and toggling off the Notifications switch.