How to disable all ads on good news wp theme

The Good News WordPress theme!

To disable all ads on the Good News theme, you'll need to follow these steps:

Method 1: Using the theme's built-in ad management

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Go to Appearance > Customize.
  3. Click on Ad Management from the left-hand menu.
  4. Look for the Ad Blocker section and toggle the switch to Enabled.
  5. Save your changes.

This method should disable all ads on your website.

Method 2: Using a plugin

  1. Install and activate a plugin like Ad Inserter or AdSanity.
  2. Configure the plugin to disable ads on your website. For example, in Ad Inserter, go to Settings > Ad Inserter and toggle the switch to Disable ads.

Method 3: Editing the theme's code

Warning: This method requires some coding knowledge and may break your website if not done correctly. Proceed with caution!

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Go to Appearance > Editor.
  3. In the editor, navigate to the functions.php file of your theme (usually located in the wp-content/themes/good-news directory).
  4. Add the following code at the end of the file:
    function disable_good_news_ads() {
     remove_action('wp_footer', 'good_news_display_ads');
     remove_action('wp_footer', 'good_news_display_leaderboard');
    add_action('init', 'disable_good_news_ads');
  5. Save the changes.

This code removes the actions that display ads on your website.

Additional tips:

Remember to always backup your website before making any changes to the code or theme files.