How to create new vertices in blender

In Blender, you can create new vertices in several ways:

  1. Add a new vertex: Select a face or an edge, and then press Ctrl + R to add a new vertex to the selection. This will create a new vertex at the center of the selected face or edge.
  2. Subdivide a face: Select a face and press Ctrl + R to subdivide it. This will create new vertices along the edges of the face.
  3. Extrude a face: Select a face and press Ctrl + Shift + E to extrude it. This will create new vertices along the edges of the face, and also create a new face.
  4. Loop Cut: Select a face or an edge and press Ctrl + R to create a loop cut. This will create new vertices along the edge of the selection.
  5. Knife Tool: Select the Knife tool from the toolbar or press K to activate it. Then, draw a line on the mesh to create new vertices.
  6. Vertex Manipulation: Select a vertex and use the G key to move it, the R key to rotate it, or the S key to scale it. You can also use the Ctrl key to constrain the movement to a specific axis.
  7. Vertex Paint: Select a vertex and use the V key to enter vertex paint mode. Then, you can paint new vertices by clicking and dragging on the mesh.

Note: When creating new vertices, Blender will automatically connect them to the existing mesh, unless you specify otherwise.