How to create a new folder in matlab

There are a few ways to create a new folder in MATLAB:

  1. Using the File Explorer:
    • Open the File Explorer by clicking on the "File" menu and selecting "Explore" or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + E.
    • Navigate to the desired location where you want to create the new folder.
    • Right-click on the folder where you want to create the new folder and select "New" > "Folder" (or press Ctrl + Shift + F).
    • Enter a name for the new folder and press Enter.
  2. Using the Command Window:
    • Open the Command Window by clicking on the "Desktop" menu and selecting "Command Window" or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Enter.
    • Type the following command: mkdir folder_name (replace "folder_name" with the desired name of the new folder).
    • Press Enter to execute the command.
  3. Using the Current Folder Browser:
    • Open the Current Folder Browser by clicking on the "File" menu and selecting "Current Folder" or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + C.
    • Click on the "New Folder" button in the Current Folder Browser.
    • Enter a name for the new folder and press Enter.

Note: The mkdir command is case-sensitive, so make sure to use the correct case for the folder name.

Also, if you want to create a new folder in a specific directory, you can specify the full path to the directory in the mkdir command. For example:


Replace username with your actual username and MyFolder with the desired name of the new folder.