How to cornrow for beginners new method

Cornrowing! It's a classic hairstyle that can be a bit intimidating for beginners, but don't worry, I'm here to guide you through a new method that's easy to follow.

New Method: The "Section and Loop" Technique

This method is perfect for beginners because it breaks down the cornrowing process into smaller, manageable sections. You'll learn how to section your hair, create loops, and then combine them to form a beautiful cornrow.

Materials Needed:

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Prep your hair: Wash and condition your hair as you normally would. Towel-dry your hair until it's damp, but not soaking wet. This will make it easier to work with.
  2. Section your hair: Divide your hair into sections, depending on how many cornrows you want to create. For a simple cornrow, start with two sections - one from the crown to the back of your head, and another from the sides to the back.
  3. Create a loop: Take a small section of hair from the crown to the back of your head (or from the sides to the back). Hold the hair between your thumb and index finger, with the ends facing away from you.
  4. Twist the loop: Twist the hair away from your face, keeping the ends facing away from you. The twist should be gentle, not too tight. You can use your fingers to guide the twist.
  5. Secure the loop: Use your fingers to tuck the twisted hair under the rest of your hair, creating a loop. You can also use a small bobby pin to secure the loop if needed.
  6. Repeat the process: Repeat steps 3-5 for each section of hair, working your way around your head.
  7. Combine the loops: Once you've created all the loops, gently pull them together to form a single cornrow. You can use a little bit of hair serum or oil to help the loops stick together.
  8. Finish the look: Use a hair tie or a small elastic band to secure the end of the cornrow. You can also add some hair accessories, like beads or cowry shells, to give your cornrow some extra flair.

Tips and Variations:

I hope this new method helps you to create a beautiful cornrow hairstyle!