How to contribute news stories to cnn

CNN accepts news story submissions from the public, including individuals, organizations, and media outlets. Here are the steps to contribute news stories to CNN:

  1. Check CNN's submission guidelines: Before submitting your story, review CNN's submission guidelines to ensure your story meets their requirements. You can find these guidelines on the CNN website.
  2. Choose the right platform: CNN has several platforms where you can submit your story, including:
    • CNN iReport: A platform for citizen journalists to submit their stories, photos, and videos.
    • CNN Newsroom: A platform for submitting news tips, stories, and photos.
    • CNN Wire: A platform for submitting news stories, photos, and videos for consideration for CNN's news programs.
  3. Prepare your story: Make sure your story is well-written, concise, and includes relevant details, such as:
    • A clear and concise headline
    • A brief summary of the story
    • Relevant photos, videos, or other multimedia elements
    • A clear and concise explanation of the story's significance
  4. Submit your story: Once you've prepared your story, submit it through the chosen platform. For CNN iReport, you can submit your story through the iReport website. For CNN Newsroom and CNN Wire, you can submit your story through the respective websites or by contacting the CNN Newsroom or Wire teams directly.
  5. Wait for review: CNN's editorial team will review your submission to determine its newsworthiness and relevance to their audience. This process can take several days or weeks.
  6. Follow up: If you haven't heard back from CNN after a few weeks, you can follow up with a polite email to inquire about the status of your submission.

Tips for submitting a successful news story to CNN:

Remember that CNN receives a high volume of submissions, and not all stories will be accepted. However, by following these steps and tips, you can increase your chances of getting your story noticed by CNN.