How to connect circuit breaker

Connecting a circuit breaker involves several steps to ensure safe and proper installation. Here's a step-by-step guide:


  1. Turn off the power: Switch off the main power supply to the circuit at the electrical panel or breaker box. Verify that the power is off using a voltage tester.
  2. Identify the circuit: Determine which circuit the breaker is intended to protect. Check the circuit breaker label or the electrical panel diagram to ensure you're connecting the correct breaker to the correct circuit.
  3. Gather materials: You'll need the circuit breaker, a screwdriver, and wire connectors (if necessary).

Connecting the Circuit Breaker

  1. Remove the old breaker (if applicable): If you're replacing an existing breaker, remove it from the electrical panel or breaker box.
  2. Identify the breaker terminals: The circuit breaker has two terminals: the "hot" terminal (usually marked "L1" or "HOT") and the "neutral" terminal (usually marked "L2" or "NEUTRAL").
  3. Connect the hot wire: Attach the hot wire (usually black or red) to the hot terminal on the circuit breaker. Use a wire connector if necessary.
  4. Connect the neutral wire: Attach the neutral wire (usually white) to the neutral terminal on the circuit breaker. Use a wire connector if necessary.
  5. Connect the ground wire (if applicable): If the circuit requires a ground wire, attach it to the ground terminal on the circuit breaker. Use a wire connector if necessary.
  6. Secure the breaker: Once all wires are connected, screw the circuit breaker into place in the electrical panel or breaker box. Make sure it's securely fastened.

Additional Tips

Remember to always prioritize safety when working with electrical systems. If you're unsure about any part of the process, it's best to seek professional assistance.