How to congratulate new parents

Congratulations to the new parents! Here are some ways to congratulate them:

In Person:

  1. Visit them in person with a thoughtful gift, such as a onesie, baby book, or a meal.
  2. Give them a warm hug and a heartfelt congratulations.
  3. Say something like, "You're going to be amazing parents! I'm so happy for you both."

Phone or Video Call:

  1. Call or video call them to offer your congratulations and well-wishes.
  2. Say something like, "I'm so thrilled for you both! You're going to be amazing parents. How's the new addition to your family?"

Text Message or Social Media:

  1. Send a congratulatory text message or social media post, such as:
    • "Huge congratulations to you both on the arrival of your new baby! Wishing you all the best as you start this new chapter."
    • "So happy for you both! You're going to be amazing parents. Can't wait to meet the little one!"
  2. Keep it short and sweet, as they may be busy with the new baby.

Gift Ideas:

  1. A onesie or baby clothes with a cute message or the baby's name.
  2. A baby book or journal for them to record milestones and memories.
  3. A meal delivery or a gift card to a local restaurant, so they can enjoy a break and some food.
  4. A plant or flowers to brighten up their home and celebrate the new addition.
  5. A personalized item, such as a customized baby blanket or picture frame.


  1. Be respectful of their boundaries and don't overstay your welcome.
  2. Offer help and support, such as babysitting or running errands, if they need it.
  3. Be mindful of their sleep schedule and try not to visit or call during late night or early morning hours.
  4. Be patient and understanding, as they may be adjusting to the new responsibilities and challenges of parenthood.

Remember, the most important thing is to be genuine and sincere in your congratulations. Let the new parents know that you're excited for them and that you're there to support them on this new journey.