How to compile a news paper bibliography

Compiling a bibliography for a newspaper article can be a bit challenging, but here's a step-by-step guide to help you:

Gather sources

  1. Identify the sources you've used while researching your newspaper article. These may include:
    • Online news articles
    • Print newspapers
    • Interviews with experts or individuals
    • Government reports
    • Academic studies
    • Books
  2. Take note of the following information for each source:
    • Author's name (if available)
    • Title of the article or publication
    • Date of publication
    • Page numbers (if applicable)
    • URL or DOI (if online)

Organize your sources

  1. Categorize your sources into three main categories:
    • Print sources (newspapers, books, etc.)
    • Online sources (websites, articles, etc.)
    • Interviews and personal communications
  2. Within each category, organize your sources alphabetically by author or title.

Format your bibliography

  1. Choose a citation style: There are several citation styles, such as MLA, APA, Chicago, or Harvard. Choose one that's commonly used in your field or industry.
  2. Use a consistent format for each source:
    • For print sources:
      • Author's last name, First name. "Article Title." Newspaper Title, Date of Publication, Page Numbers.
      • Example: Smith, John. "New Study Reveals..." The New York Times, 10 Feb. 2022, pp. A1-A3.
    • For online sources:
      • Author's last name, First name. "Article Title." Website Title, Date of Publication, URL.
      • Example: Johnson, Mary. "Breaking News:..." CNN, 15 Mar. 2022,
    • For interviews and personal communications:
      • Interviewee's name. Personal Interview. Date of Interview.
      • Example: Smith, Jane. Personal Interview. 20 Jan. 2022.

Example bibliography

Here's an example of a bibliography for a newspaper article using the MLA style:

Print Sources

Online Sources

Interviews and Personal Communications

Remember to double-check your sources and formatting to ensure accuracy and consistency.