How to check news xml sitemap publication name

A very specific question!

To check the publication name in a news XML sitemap, you can follow these steps:

  1. Find the XML sitemap: Look for the XML sitemap file of the news website you're interested in. It's usually located at the root directory of the website, often named sitemap.xml.
  2. Open the XML sitemap file: Open the XML sitemap file in a text editor or an XML viewer. You can also use a web browser to view the file by entering the URL of the sitemap file in the address bar.
  3. Search for the <url> elements: In the XML sitemap file, look for the <url> elements, which contain information about each news article.
  4. Find the <news> element: Within each <url> element, look for a <news> element, which contains metadata about the news article, including the publication name.
  5. Check the <news:publication> element: Within the <news> element, look for a <news:publication> element, which contains the publication name.

Here's an example of what the <news> element might look like:

    <news:publication name="The Daily News" />
    <news:title>Article 1</news:title>

In this example, the publication name is "The Daily News".

Alternative method: If you don't want to manually search through the XML sitemap file, you can use a tool like xmllint or an online XML viewer to extract the publication name. For example, you can use xmllint to extract the publication name from the XML sitemap file:

xmllint --xpath "//news:publication/@name" sitemap.xml

This command will extract the publication name from the XML sitemap file and print it to the console.