How to calculate sales projections for a new business

Calculating sales projections for a new business is a crucial step in creating a solid business plan. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you estimate your sales projections:

  1. Define your target market: Identify your ideal customer, their needs, and their purchasing habits. This will help you estimate the potential demand for your product or service.
  2. Conduct market research: Gather data on your target market, including:
    • Industry trends and growth rates
    • Competitor analysis (identify strengths, weaknesses, and market share)
    • Customer demographics and psychographics
    • Market size and potential
  3. Estimate your market share: Based on your research, estimate the percentage of the market you expect to capture. This will help you calculate your sales projections.
  4. Determine your pricing strategy: Decide on your pricing strategy, including:
    • Pricing structure (e.g., tiered, flat, or dynamic)
    • Pricing levels (e.g., introductory, premium, or discount)
    • Discounts or promotions
  5. Estimate your sales volume: Calculate your expected sales volume based on your market research, market share, and pricing strategy. You can use the following formulas:
    • Average daily sales = (Total sales / Number of days in the period)
    • Average monthly sales = (Total sales / Number of months in the period)
    • Average annual sales = (Total sales / Number of years in the period)
  6. Calculate your sales projections: Use the following formulas to calculate your sales projections:
    • Total sales = Average daily/weekly/monthly sales x Number of days/weeks/months in the period
    • Revenue = Total sales x Average sale price
  7. Consider seasonality and fluctuations: If your business is seasonal or experiences fluctuations in demand, adjust your sales projections accordingly.
  8. Review and refine your projections: Review your sales projections regularly and refine them as needed based on changes in the market, competition, or your business's performance.


Let's say you're starting a new e-commerce business selling eco-friendly cleaning products. Your target market is environmentally conscious consumers in the United States.

Market research:

Estimate market share:

Pricing strategy:

Estimate sales volume:

Calculate sales projections:

Consider seasonality and fluctuations:

Review and refine projections:

Remember, sales projections are estimates and may not always be accurate. It's essential to regularly review and refine your projections to ensure they align with your business's actual performance.