How to calculate diviation from forex news forcast

Calculating deviation from a Forex news forecast involves analyzing the difference between the predicted market movement and the actual market movement after the news event. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you calculate deviation:

Step 1: Gather necessary data

Step 2: Calculate the absolute deviation

For example, if the predicted movement is 50 pips up and the actual movement is 30 pips up, the absolute deviation would be:

|50 - 30| = 20 pips

Step 3: Calculate the percentage deviation

( Absolute deviation / Predicted movement ) x 100 = Percentage deviation

Using the same example:

(20 / 50) x 100 = 40%

This means that the actual market movement deviated from the predicted movement by 40%.

Step 4: Interpret the results

Example calculation

Predicted movement: 50 pips up Actual movement: 30 pips up Absolute deviation: |50 - 30| = 20 pips Percentage deviation: (20 / 50) x 100 = 40%

In this example, the actual market movement deviated from the predicted movement by 40%.

Tips and considerations

By following these steps, you can calculate the deviation from a Forex news forecast and gain insights into the accuracy of the prediction and the market's reaction to the news event.