How to build an onboarding plan for a new hire

Building an onboarding plan for a new hire is crucial to ensure a smooth transition, maximize productivity, and set the stage for a successful career with your organization. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you create an effective onboarding plan:

Step 1: Define the Onboarding Objectives

Step 2: Gather Information

Step 3: Create a Timeline

Step 4: Assign an Onboarding Buddy

Step 5: Develop a Training Plan

Step 6: Plan for Feedback and Evaluation

Step 7: Prepare Necessary Materials

Step 8: Execute the Onboarding Plan

Step 9: Evaluate the Onboarding Process

Example Onboarding Plan Template

Here's a sample onboarding plan template you can use as a starting point:

Week Activity Responsible Timeline
1 Pre-boarding (paperwork, IT setup) HR 1-3 days before start date
1 First day: orientation, introductions Onboarding Buddy Day 1
1-2 Job-specific training Trainer Days 1-2
2-4 Ongoing training and development Trainer Days 2-4
4-6 Check-ins and evaluations Onboarding Buddy Days 4-6
6-8 Performance expectations and goals Manager Days 6-8
8-12 Ongoing support and feedback Onboarding Buddy Days 8-12

Remember to tailor your onboarding plan to your organization's specific needs and the new hire's role and requirements. By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to creating a comprehensive onboarding plan that sets your new hires up for success.