How to become write on opera news

Opera News is a leading publication in the opera world, and writing for them can be a great way to share your passion and expertise with a wider audience. Here are some steps to help you become a writer for Opera News:

  1. Build your expertise: Opera News looks for writers who have a deep understanding of opera and its various aspects, such as music, history, production, and performance. Develop your knowledge by attending opera performances, reading books and articles, and engaging with other opera enthusiasts.
  2. Develop your writing skills: Opera News values well-written, engaging, and informative articles. Improve your writing skills by taking courses, attending writing workshops, and practicing your writing regularly.
  3. Get familiar with Opera News: Read Opera News regularly to understand their style, tone, and content. Pay attention to the types of articles they publish, the length, and the level of detail.
  4. Pitch an article idea: Opera News accepts pitches from freelance writers. Research their editorial calendar and pitch an article idea that aligns with their current or upcoming issues. Make sure your pitch is concise, clear, and includes a brief summary of your article.
  5. Meet their submission guidelines: Opera News has specific guidelines for submitting articles. Make sure you follow their guidelines carefully, including word count, formatting, and submission deadlines.
  6. Network with Opera News: Attend opera events, conferences, and festivals, and try to meet editors, writers, and other industry professionals. Building relationships with Opera News staff can help you get your foot in the door.
  7. Start with smaller publications: If you're new to writing about opera, consider starting with smaller publications or online platforms. This will help you build your portfolio and gain experience before pitching to Opera News.
  8. Be persistent: It may take several attempts before your pitch is accepted. Don't get discouraged if your first few pitches are rejected. Keep writing, pitching, and improving your craft.

Some additional tips:

By following these steps and tips, you can increase your chances of becoming a writer for Opera News. Good luck!