How to approach a new client on the phone

Approaching a new client on the phone requires a strategic and professional approach to build rapport, establish trust, and effectively communicate your value proposition. Here are some tips to help you approach a new client on the phone:

  1. Prepare beforehand:
    • Research the company and the person you'll be speaking with.
    • Review your notes and materials to ensure you're familiar with their needs and challenges.
    • Prepare a clear and concise script or outline to guide your conversation.
  2. Start with a strong introduction:
    • Begin with a friendly and professional greeting, introducing yourself and your company.
    • Clearly state the purpose of your call and how you came across their contact information.
    • Show enthusiasm and interest in working with them.
  3. Show you've done your homework:
    • Refer to specific information you've gathered about their company or industry.
    • Highlight how your services or products can address their specific needs or challenges.
    • Demonstrate your understanding of their business goals and objectives.
  4. Focus on their needs, not your services:
    • Ask open-ended questions to understand their pain points, goals, and challenges.
    • Listen actively and take notes to show you're engaged and interested.
    • Avoid talking about your services too early in the conversation; instead, focus on their needs and how you can help.
  5. Build rapport and establish trust:
    • Find common ground or shared interests to build a connection.
    • Show empathy and understanding for their challenges and concerns.
    • Be transparent and honest about your capabilities and limitations.
  6. Clearly communicate your value proposition:
    • Once you've established a rapport and understanding of their needs, explain how your services or products can help.
    • Highlight the benefits, results, and value you can bring to their business.
    • Use specific examples or case studies to illustrate your points.
  7. Handle objections and concerns:
    • Anticipate potential objections or concerns and be prepared to address them.
    • Listen carefully to their concerns and respond thoughtfully.
    • Offer solutions or alternatives to address their concerns.
  8. Close the call with a clear next step:
    • Summarize the key points discussed during the call.
    • Outline the next steps, including any follow-up calls or meetings.
    • Confirm the client's expectations and ensure you're both on the same page.
  9. Follow up promptly:
    • Send a follow-up email or letter to reiterate your discussion and next steps.
    • Ensure you follow up on any commitments or promises made during the call.

Example script to get you started:

"Hello [Client's Name], my name is [Your Name] and I'm calling from [Your Company]. I came across your company while researching [industry/sector] and was impressed by your [specific achievement or initiative]. I'd like to discuss how our services can help address [specific challenge or need]. Can you spare a few minutes to talk about your current goals and challenges?"

Remember to stay calm, professional, and enthusiastic throughout the call. Good luck!