How to add your website on opera news feed

Opera News is a news aggregator service provided by Opera, a popular web browser. To add your website to Opera News, you'll need to follow these steps:

Method 1: Submit your website through Opera News Publisher

  1. Go to the Opera News Publisher website ( and sign up for an account.
  2. Fill out the registration form with your website's details, including its URL, title, and description.
  3. Wait for Opera's review team to review your submission. They'll check your website's content, quality, and relevance to ensure it meets their guidelines.
  4. Once approved, your website will be added to Opera News, and you'll receive an email notification.

Method 2: Use the Opera News API

  1. Register for an API key on the Opera News API website (
  2. Use the API key to integrate your website's content with the Opera News API. You can use the API to submit your articles, news, and other content to Opera News.
  3. Opera's review team will review your content and add it to Opera News if it meets their guidelines.

Additional Requirements

To be considered for inclusion in Opera News, your website should:

  1. Be a news or content website with a clear focus on a specific topic or niche.
  2. Have a minimum of 10 articles or pieces of content.
  3. Be regularly updated with fresh content.
  4. Meet Opera's content guidelines, which include requirements for accuracy, relevance, and quality.

Tips and Considerations

By following these steps and meeting Opera's requirements, you can increase your chances of getting your website added to Opera News.