How to add news ticker in blogger automatically

Adding a news ticker to your Blogger blog can be a great way to keep your readers informed about the latest news and updates. Here are the steps to add a news ticker to your Blogger blog automatically:

Method 1: Using a Feedburner Feed

  1. Go to and create a new feed by entering your blog's URL.
  2. Click on the "Publicize" tab and then click on "Ticker" under the "Monetize" section.
  3. Customize your ticker settings, such as the feed title, description, and refresh rate.
  4. Click on the "Get Code" button to get the HTML code for your ticker.
  5. Go to your Blogger dashboard and click on the "Layout" tab.
  6. Click on the "Add a gadget" button and select "HTML/JavaScript".
  7. Paste the HTML code from Feedburner into the gadget window.
  8. Save the gadget and arrange it on your blog as desired.

Method 2: Using a Third-Party Service

  1. Choose a third-party service that offers a news ticker widget, such as NewsTicker or Ticker Tape.
  2. Sign up for an account with the service and create a new widget.
  3. Customize your widget settings, such as the feed URL, title, and refresh rate.
  4. Get the HTML code for your widget from the service.
  5. Follow the same steps as Method 1 to add the gadget to your Blogger blog.

Method 3: Using a Blogger Template

  1. Go to your Blogger dashboard and click on the "Template" tab.
  2. Click on the "Edit HTML" button.
  3. Search for the <body> tag and add the following code before it:
    <script type='text/javascript'>
    var ticker = new Ticker({
     feed: '', // replace with your feed URL
     speed: 100, // adjust the speed to your liking
     height: 20 // adjust the height to your liking
  4. Replace with the URL of your RSS feed.
  5. Save the changes to your template.

Note: The above code is just an example and may need to be modified to fit your specific needs.

Tips and Variations