How to add news feed ads

Adding news feed ads to your Facebook ad campaign can be a great way to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, and generate leads or sales. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to add news feed ads:


  1. You need a Facebook Ads account and a Facebook Page.
  2. Your Facebook Page must have at least 1,000 followers to run news feed ads.
  3. You need to have a valid payment method linked to your Facebook Ads account.

Step 1: Create a New Ad Campaign

  1. Log in to your Facebook Ads account and click on the "Create" button.
  2. Select "News Feed" as the ad format.
  3. Choose your campaign objective: Awareness, Consideration, or Conversion.
  4. Set your budget and schedule for the campaign.

Step 2: Choose Your Ad Creative

  1. Upload your ad creative assets:
    • Image or video: Choose a high-quality image or video that grabs attention.
    • Headline: Write a compelling headline that encourages users to engage with your ad.
    • Text: Add a brief description of your product or service.
    • Call-to-Action (CTA): Choose a CTA button that aligns with your campaign objective (e.g., "Learn More," "Sign Up," or "Shop Now").
  2. Set your ad targeting options:
    • Location: Target specific countries, regions, or cities.
    • Age: Target specific age ranges.
    • Interests: Target users who have shown interest in specific topics or industries.
    • Behaviors: Target users who have shown specific behaviors, such as purchasing habits.

Step 3: Set Your Bidding and Budget

  1. Choose your bidding strategy:
    • Cost per Click (CPC): Pay for each click on your ad.
    • Cost per Thousand Impressions (CPM): Pay for every 1,000 people who see your ad.
  2. Set your daily or lifetime budget for the campaign.

Step 4: Review and Launch Your Ad

  1. Review your ad creative, targeting options, and bidding strategy.
  2. Make any necessary changes before launching your ad.
  3. Click "Confirm" to launch your ad campaign.

Tips and Best Practices:

  1. Use high-quality ad creative assets that grab attention.
  2. Keep your ad copy concise and clear.
  3. Target specific audiences to increase ad relevance and effectiveness.
  4. Monitor your ad performance regularly and adjust your targeting or bidding strategy as needed.
  5. Consider using Facebook's automated ad optimization features, such as "Optimize for Conversions" or "Optimize for Reach," to help improve your ad performance.

By following these steps and tips, you can create effective news feed ads that drive results for your business.