How to add my site to uc news

UC News is a popular news aggregator app in India that allows users to discover and read news from various sources. To add your site to UC News, you'll need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Meet the Eligibility Criteria

Before applying, ensure your website meets the following criteria:

  1. Your website must be a news website or a blog that publishes news articles.
  2. Your website must have a minimum of 500 unique visitors per day.
  3. Your website must have a minimum of 1000 articles published in the last 30 days.

Step 2: Register Your Website

  1. Go to the UC News website ( and click on "Become a Partner" at the bottom of the page.
  2. Fill out the registration form with your website's details, including your website's name, URL, and contact information.
  3. Verify your website's ownership by uploading an HTML file to your website's root directory.

Step 3: Submit Your Website for Review

  1. Once you've registered your website, submit it for review by filling out the "Add Website" form on the UC News partner dashboard.
  2. Provide detailed information about your website, including its category, subcategory, and keywords.
  3. Upload a sitemap of your website to help UC News crawl and index your content.

Step 4: Wait for Review and Approval

UC News will review your website to ensure it meets their content guidelines and quality standards. This process usually takes 3-5 working days.

Step 5: Integrate UC News API (Optional)

If you want to integrate UC News API into your website, you can do so by following the instructions provided by UC News. This will allow you to fetch news articles from UC News and display them on your website.

Tips and Requirements

By following these steps, you can add your website to UC News and reach a wider audience. Good luck!