How to add curated news to wordpress site

There are several ways to add curated news to a WordPress site. Here are a few options:

1. RSS Feeds

You can use an RSS feed plugin like FeedWordPress or WP RSS Aggregator to import news feeds from various sources. These plugins allow you to fetch and display news articles from other websites, blogs, or news outlets.

2. News Aggregator Plugins

Plugins like News Aggregator or WP News Manager allow you to curate news articles from multiple sources and display them on your WordPress site. These plugins often come with features like categorization, tagging, and filtering.

3. Curated News Widgets

You can use widgets like Curated News or Newsify to display curated news articles on your WordPress site. These widgets often come with features like customizable layouts, filtering, and categorization.

4. Manual Curation

You can manually curate news articles by creating a new page or post on your WordPress site and adding the news articles yourself. This method requires more effort, but gives you more control over the content and layout.

5. Third-Party Services

You can also use third-party services like NewsCred or Content Blossom to curate news articles and display them on your WordPress site. These services often come with features like content filtering, categorization, and monetization options.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Here's a step-by-step guide to adding curated news to your WordPress site using the FeedWordPress plugin:

  1. Install and activate the FeedWordPress plugin.
  2. Go to FeedWordPress > Add Feed and enter the URL of the news feed you want to import.
  3. Choose the feed format (e.g., RSS, Atom) and select the articles you want to import.
  4. Configure the feed settings, such as the number of articles to display and the categories to use.
  5. Go to FeedWordPress > Feeds and select the feed you just added.
  6. Click on the Display Feed button to display the curated news articles on your WordPress site.
  7. Customize the display settings, such as the layout, title, and excerpt length.

Tips and Variations