How that epic arya stark scene affects a crucial game of thrones prophecy

The epic Arya Stark scene you're referring to is likely the "Kill List" scene from Season 6, Episode 10, "The Winds of Winter". In this scene, Arya Stark, now a Faceless Assassin, is tasked by the Many-Faced God to kill a list of people who have wronged her and her family.

This scene has a significant impact on a crucial Game of Thrones prophecy, which is the "Princess and the Prince" prophecy. This prophecy was first mentioned in Season 1, Episode 7, "You Win or You Die", when Maester Aemon reveals to Jon Snow that the prophecy speaks of a prince who will be killed by the king's own hand, and a princess who will bring fire and blood to the Seven Kingdoms.

The prophecy is often interpreted as referring to the following characters:

However, the events of the show have led many fans to believe that the prophecy actually refers to Arya Stark and the Hound (Sandor Clegane). Here's how the "Kill List" scene affects the prophecy:

The "Kill List" scene, therefore, brings the prophecy full circle. Arya, the "Princess", has set out to bring fire and blood to the Seven Kingdoms, and the Hound, the "Prince", has been killed by her hand. This interpretation adds a new layer of depth to the prophecy and the characters' arcs in the show.

It's worth noting that the show's creators, David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, have confirmed that the prophecy was always intended to refer to Arya and the Hound, rather than Daenerys and Rhaegar. However, the show's ambiguity and complexity have led to multiple interpretations, and fans continue to debate the meaning of the prophecy to this day.