How outbreak of coronavirus stalls ibom science park project

The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has indeed had a significant impact on the Ibom Science Park project in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Here are some ways in which the pandemic has stalled the project:

  1. Delayed Groundbreaking Ceremony: The groundbreaking ceremony for the Ibom Science Park, which was initially scheduled for March 2020, was postponed due to the pandemic. The ceremony was eventually held in October 2020, but the delay had a ripple effect on the project's timeline.
  2. Supply Chain Disruptions: The pandemic led to global supply chain disruptions, which affected the availability of materials and equipment needed for the project. This caused delays in the procurement process, further slowing down the project's progress.
  3. Travel Restrictions: The pandemic led to travel restrictions, which made it challenging for project team members, consultants, and contractors to travel to the project site. This resulted in reduced productivity and increased costs.
  4. Social Distancing Measures: To prevent the spread of the virus, social distancing measures were implemented on the project site, which reduced the number of workers that could be on site at any given time. This slowed down the construction process.
  5. Budget Constraints: The pandemic led to a global economic downturn, which resulted in reduced government revenue and increased budget constraints. This affected the project's funding, leading to delays and cost overruns.
  6. Changes in Project Scope: The pandemic led to changes in the project scope, as some stakeholders and investors reevaluated their priorities. This resulted in changes to the project's design, timeline, and budget.
  7. Delays in Permitting and Approvals: The pandemic caused delays in obtaining necessary permits and approvals from regulatory agencies, which further slowed down the project's progress.
  8. Increased Costs: The pandemic led to increased costs due to the need for additional safety measures, personal protective equipment (PPE), and other pandemic-related expenses.
  9. Labor Shortages: The pandemic led to labor shortages, as some workers were unable to report to work due to health concerns or travel restrictions. This resulted in reduced productivity and increased costs.
  10. Mental Health Concerns: The pandemic also had a psychological impact on project team members, contractors, and stakeholders, leading to mental health concerns and reduced morale.

Despite these challenges, the Ibom Science Park project is expected to continue, albeit with some adjustments to the timeline and budget. The project's proponents are working to mitigate the impact of the pandemic and ensure that the project is completed as soon as possible.