How opera news hub pays

Opera News Hub is a platform that allows users to earn money by completing various tasks, such as:

  1. Reading and reviewing articles: Users can earn money by reading and reviewing articles on the platform. The amount earned depends on the length and quality of the review.
  2. Watching videos: Users can earn money by watching videos on the platform. The amount earned depends on the length and type of video.
  3. Taking surveys: Users can earn money by taking surveys on the platform. The amount earned depends on the length and complexity of the survey.
  4. Participating in contests: Users can earn money by participating in contests and sweepstakes on the platform.
  5. Referring friends: Users can earn money by referring friends to the platform.

The payment structure on Opera News Hub is as follows:

Here's a rough estimate of the earning potential on Opera News Hub:

Keep in mind that these are rough estimates and the actual earning potential may vary depending on the user's location, the type of task, and the platform's policies.