How nigeria air will be financed infrastructure commission #

I think you meant to ask "How will Nigeria Air's infrastructure commission be financed?"

Nigeria Air, the national carrier of Nigeria, is a new airline that was launched in 2018. The airline's infrastructure commission is responsible for overseeing the development and maintenance of its infrastructure, including its airports, terminals, and other facilities.

As for how the infrastructure commission will be financed, here are a few possible sources:

  1. Government funding: The Nigerian government has committed to providing funding for the airline's infrastructure development. In 2018, the government allocated N100 billion (approximately $275 million) for the development of the airline's infrastructure.
  2. Private sector investment: The airline has also partnered with private sector companies to invest in its infrastructure. For example, in 2019, the airline signed a deal with a private company to develop a new terminal at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos.
  3. International funding: Nigeria Air has also sought funding from international organizations such as the African Development Bank and the World Bank. In 2020, the airline received a $150 million loan from the African Development Bank to support its infrastructure development.
  4. Revenue generation: The airline will also generate revenue from its operations, which will be used to finance its infrastructure development. The airline plans to generate revenue through ticket sales, cargo transportation, and other services.

It's worth noting that the financing of Nigeria Air's infrastructure commission is still a work in progress, and the airline is likely to continue seeking additional funding sources to support its development.