How much to advertise on news paper

The cost of advertising in a newspaper can vary widely depending on several factors, including:

  1. Newspaper circulation: Larger newspapers with higher circulation numbers typically charge more for ads.
  2. Ad size and placement: Larger ads in prime positions (e.g., front page, inside cover) cost more than smaller ads in less prominent positions.
  3. Frequency of publication: Daily newspapers may charge more than weekly or bi-weekly publications.
  4. Target audience: Newspapers catering to specific demographics (e.g., business, entertainment, or lifestyle) may charge more for ads targeting those audiences.
  5. Ad format: Print ads, online ads, or a combination of both can have different pricing structures.

Here are some rough estimates of newspaper advertising costs:

Print Ad Rates (per column inch)

Example Ad Sizes and Costs

Online Ad Rates (per 1,000 impressions)

Example Online Ad Packages

Keep in mind that these are rough estimates, and actual costs may vary depending on the specific newspaper and your advertising goals. It's always a good idea to contact the newspaper directly for a custom quote.