How much is a new engine for a hyundai tucson

The cost of a new engine for a Hyundai Tucson can vary depending on several factors, including the model year, trim level, and type of engine. Here are some approximate prices for new engines for different Hyundai Tucson models:

2010-2015 Hyundai Tucson (2.4L 4-cylinder engine)

2016-2019 Hyundai Tucson (2.4L 4-cylinder engine)

2020-2022 Hyundai Tucson (2.4L 4-cylinder engine or 1.6L turbocharged engine)

Note: These prices are approximate and may vary depending on the source, quality, and warranty of the engine. Additionally, prices may be higher or lower depending on the specific trim level, transmission type, and other factors.

It's also important to consider the following costs when replacing an engine:

Before purchasing a new engine, it's recommended to get quotes from multiple sources, including dealerships, independent mechanics, and online retailers. Additionally, be sure to check the warranty and return policy of the engine and the installation shop to ensure you're protected in case of any issues.