How many hours should a new laptop battery be charged

When it comes to charging a new laptop battery, it's generally recommended to follow the manufacturer's guidelines. However, here are some general guidelines to help you get started:

Initial Charging Cycle:

For a new laptop battery, it's recommended to charge it to 100% and then let it drain to 0% (fully discharge) once. This is called the initial charging cycle. This helps to calibrate the battery and ensure that the battery's capacity is accurately reported.

Subsequent Charging Cycles:

After the initial charging cycle, you can follow these guidelines:

Why these guidelines?

Charging a new laptop battery to 100% and then letting it drain to 0% helps to:

  1. Calibrate the battery: This ensures that the battery's capacity is accurately reported.
  2. Prevent overcharging: Overcharging can cause damage to the battery's cells.
  3. Maintain battery health: By keeping the battery level between 20-80%, you're reducing the stress on the battery and helping to maintain its overall health.

Important Notes:

By following these guidelines, you'll be able to help extend the life of your laptop battery and keep it performing at its best.