How many hours from miami to new york by car
The driving distance from Miami, Florida to New York City, New York is approximately 1,280 miles (2,060 km). The driving time can vary depending on traffic, road conditions, and the route you take.
Assuming you take the most direct route, which is primarily along Interstate 95 (I-95), the estimated driving time is around 18-20 hours, depending on the traffic and the number of stops you make along the way.
Here's a breakdown of the estimated driving time and distance by segment:
- Miami, FL to Jacksonville, FL: 345 miles (555 km), 5-6 hours
- Jacksonville, FL to Savannah, GA: 145 miles (233 km), 2-3 hours
- Savannah, GA to Charleston, SC: 100 miles (161 km), 1-2 hours
- Charleston, SC to Washington, D.C.: 340 miles (544 km), 5-6 hours
- Washington, D.C. to New York City, NY: 225 miles (362 km), 3-4 hours
Keep in mind that these estimates are approximate and may vary depending on your specific route, traffic conditions, and the number of stops you make along the way. It's always a good idea to check for traffic updates and road closures before embarking on your journey.