How many hours drive from houston to new york
The driving distance from Houston, Texas to New York City, New York is approximately 1,770 miles (2,850 km). The driving time can vary depending on several factors, including traffic, road conditions, and the number of stops you make along the way.
Assuming you drive at a moderate pace with some stops for rest, food, and fuel, here are some estimated drive times:
- Without stops: around 24-26 hours
- With regular stops (every 2-3 hours): around 30-36 hours
- With longer stops (every 4-6 hours): around 40-48 hours
Keep in mind that these estimates are approximate and may vary depending on your specific route, traffic conditions, and personal driving style.
Here's a breakdown of the estimated drive time and distance by state:
- Texas: 0-770 miles (0-1,240 km), 11-13 hours
- Louisiana: 770-930 miles (1,240-1,500 km), 11-13 hours
- Mississippi: 930-1,070 miles (1,500-1,720 km), 13-15 hours
- Alabama: 1,070-1,200 miles (1,720-1,930 km), 15-17 hours
- Georgia: 1,200-1,330 miles (1,930-2,140 km), 17-19 hours
- South Carolina: 1,330-1,460 miles (2,140-2,350 km), 19-21 hours
- North Carolina: 1,460-1,590 miles (2,350-2,560 km), 21-23 hours
- Virginia: 1,590-1,720 miles (2,560-2,770 km), 23-25 hours
- Maryland: 1,720-1,750 miles (2,770-2,820 km), 25-27 hours
- New York: 1,750-1,770 miles (2,820-2,850 km), 27-29 hours
Remember to check for road closures, construction, and traffic updates before embarking on your journey. It's also a good idea to plan for rest stops, food, and fuel along the way to ensure a safe and comfortable drive.