How many colleges are in new york

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, there are over 600 colleges and universities in the state of New York. Here's a breakdown of the types of institutions:

  1. Public Colleges and Universities: 64
    • 4-year institutions: 34
    • 2-year institutions: 30
  2. Private Colleges and Universities: 244
    • 4-year institutions: 143
    • 2-year institutions: 101
  3. Community Colleges: 30
  4. Technical and Vocational Schools: 34
  5. Online Colleges and Universities: 20
  6. Specialized Institutions: 20 (e.g., art schools, music schools, etc.)

Some of the most well-known colleges and universities in New York include:

  1. Ivy League schools:
    • Columbia University (New York City)
    • Cornell University (Ithaca)
    • University of Rochester (Rochester)
  2. State University of New York (SUNY) system:
    • University at Albany (Albany)
    • University at Buffalo (Buffalo)
    • Stony Brook University (Stony Brook)
    • University at Binghamton (Binghamton)
  3. City University of New York (CUNY) system:
    • City College of New York (New York City)
    • Hunter College (New York City)
    • Brooklyn College (Brooklyn)
  4. Private colleges and universities:
    • New York University (New York City)
    • Fordham University (New York City)
    • Yeshiva University (New York City)
    • Syracuse University (Syracuse)

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and there may be other colleges and universities in New York that are not included here.