How many characters are best for headline news

The ideal number of characters for a headline in news articles can vary depending on the platform, audience, and style guide. However, here are some general guidelines:

  1. Print newspapers: 60-80 characters (including spaces) is a common range for headlines in print newspapers. This is because print headlines need to be concise and easy to read in a small font size.
  2. Online news websites: For online headlines, 55-65 characters (including spaces) is a good range. This is because online headlines need to be short and attention-grabbing, and longer headlines may get cut off in search engine results or social media feeds.
  3. Social media: For social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, headlines should be even shorter, ideally 40-55 characters (including spaces). This is because social media platforms have character limits, and longer headlines may get truncated.
  4. Breaking news: For breaking news headlines, it's often best to keep them even shorter, around 30-40 characters (including spaces). This is because breaking news headlines need to be concise and attention-grabbing to grab readers' attention quickly.

Remember, the key is to make your headline concise, clear, and compelling. You want to entice readers to click on your article without overwhelming them with too much information.

Here are some examples of effective headlines with varying character counts:

Ultimately, the ideal character count for a headline will depend on your specific audience, platform, and style guide.