How maguire fernandes brought the man utd squad closer together

I think there may be some confusion here!

Harry Maguire and Bruno Fernandes are both Manchester United players, but they didn't actually "bring the squad closer together". They are both talented footballers who have made significant contributions to the team, but their individual performances and personalities haven't had a direct impact on the team's cohesion.

However, I can provide some context on how Manchester United's squad has come together under the management of Ole Gunnar Solskjær:

  1. Team-building exercises: Solskjær has implemented various team-building exercises, such as bonding sessions, away trips, and social events, to help the players develop stronger relationships with each other.
  2. Leadership: Players like Maguire, Fernandes, and others have taken on leadership roles, setting an example for their teammates and helping to foster a sense of unity and responsibility within the squad.
  3. Communication: Solskjær has emphasized the importance of open communication within the team, encouraging players to express their opinions and concerns, and creating a culture of trust and respect.
  4. Inclusive environment: The club has made efforts to create an inclusive environment, welcoming players from diverse backgrounds and cultures, and promoting a sense of belonging among all members of the squad.
  5. Shared goals: The team's focus on shared goals, such as winning trophies and improving their performance, has helped to unite the players and create a sense of purpose and direction.

While Maguire and Fernandes are both important players for Manchester United, it's not accurate to say that they specifically brought the squad closer together. Instead, it's the collective efforts of the players, coaches, and staff that have contributed to the team's improved cohesion and performance.