How long should you charge a new phone

When you first get a new phone, it's a good idea to charge it for a few hours to ensure the battery is fully charged and to help the phone's internal components settle in. Here's a general guideline:

  1. Initial charge: Charge the phone for at least 4-6 hours to ensure the battery is fully charged. This will help the phone's battery calibration process, which helps the phone accurately estimate the battery level.
  2. First full charge: Try to charge the phone to 100% and then let it drain to 0% at least once. This will help the phone learn its battery capacity and improve its battery life estimation.
  3. Subsequent charges: After the initial charge, you can charge the phone as needed. Try to keep the battery level between 20% and 80% if possible, as this can help prolong the battery life.

It's also a good idea to avoid overcharging your phone, as this can cause the battery to degrade faster. You can do this by:

Remember, it's normal for a new phone's battery to take some time to settle in and adjust to its new environment. With proper charging and usage habits, your phone's battery should perform well over time.