How japanese and english merged to create a new language

What a fascinating topic!

You're likely referring to the phenomenon of "Engrish" or "Japlish," which is a blend of Japanese and English that has emerged in modern times. This language fusion is often seen in advertising, product names, and even everyday conversations in Japan.

The reasons for this language blending are complex, but here are some key factors that have contributed to the creation of Engrish:

  1. Globalization and international trade: As Japan became more integrated into the global economy, English became a necessary language for business, trade, and communication. Many Japanese companies adopted English words and phrases to appeal to international customers and to facilitate communication with foreign partners.
  2. Cultural exchange and influence: The influx of Western culture, particularly American culture, in Japan has led to a blending of languages. Japanese people have adopted English words and phrases to describe new concepts, products, and ideas that don't have direct equivalents in Japanese.
  3. Linguistic simplification: Japanese is a complex language with a unique writing system, grammar, and vocabulary. English, on the other hand, is a more straightforward language with a simpler grammar system. As a result, Japanese speakers may use English words and phrases to simplify complex ideas or to avoid the difficulties of expressing them in Japanese.
  4. Marketing and branding: Companies often use Engrish to create catchy brand names, slogans, and product descriptions that appeal to a global audience. This can be seen in the names of popular Japanese products, such as "Walkman" (originally "Wōkuman") and "PlayStation" (originally "Puresutēshon").
  5. Internet and social media: The rise of the internet and social media has accelerated the spread of Engrish. Japanese netizens and social media users often use English words and phrases to communicate with international friends, share information, and express themselves creatively.

Some common features of Engrish include:

Examples of Engrish can be seen in various aspects of Japanese culture, such as:

Engrish has become an integral part of Japanese popular culture, and its use continues to evolve as Japan becomes increasingly interconnected with the global community.