How far is samoa from new zealand

Samoa is a country located in the Pacific Ocean, and New Zealand is an island nation in the same region. The distance between Samoa and New Zealand depends on the specific locations within each country.

Here are the approximate distances between some major cities in Samoa and New Zealand:

The flight distance between Apia, Samoa and Auckland, New Zealand is approximately 2,550 km (1,585 miles), and the flight duration is around 4 hours and 30 minutes. There are no direct flights between Samoa and New Zealand, but you can fly with airlines such as Fiji Airways, Air New Zealand, or Virgin Australia with a layover in Fiji, Australia, or another Pacific island nation.

It's worth noting that Samoa is part of the Pacific Islands region, and there are many other islands and countries in the region that are closer to Samoa than New Zealand. For example, the distance between Apia, Samoa and Suva, Fiji is approximately 1,400 km (870 miles), and the distance between Apia, Samoa and Nadi, Fiji is approximately 1,300 km (810 miles).