How far is new hampshire from texas

New Hampshire and Texas are two states located in different regions of the United States. New Hampshire is located in the Northeastern United States, while Texas is located in the South-Central United States.

The distance between New Hampshire and Texas depends on the specific locations within each state. Here are the approximate distances between some major cities in New Hampshire and Texas:

The driving distance between New Hampshire and Texas can take around 24-30 hours, depending on the route you take and the number of stops you make along the way. There are several major highways that connect the two states, including Interstate 10, Interstate 20, and Interstate 30.

It's also worth noting that there are no direct flights between New Hampshire and Texas, so you would need to fly with a connection in a major hub city such as New York City, Chicago, or Atlanta. The flight duration from Manchester, NH to Houston, TX is around 3.5 hours, but you would need to factor in the time it takes to check in, go through security, and board the plane.