How far is it from london to new york
The distance from London, United Kingdom to New York City, United States is approximately:
- 3,459 miles (5,564 kilometers) by air
- 3,977 miles (6,394 kilometers) by sea
The flight duration from London to New York is around 7-8 hours, depending on the airline, flight route, and weather conditions. There are many direct and connecting flights available from London's Heathrow Airport (LHR) and Gatwick Airport (LGW) to New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) and Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR).
By sea, the distance is longer due to the need to follow a more circuitous route around the coast of Europe and North America. The journey by ship typically takes around 5-7 days, depending on the type of vessel and the route taken.
Here are some approximate distances and travel times between London and New York:
- By air:
- London (LHR) to New York (JFK): 3,459 miles (5,564 km), 7-8 hours
- London (LGW) to New York (JFK): 3,477 miles (5,590 km), 7-8 hours
- By sea:
- London to New York (via the North Atlantic): 3,977 miles (6,394 km), 5-7 days
- London to New York (via the Panama Canal): 4,300 miles (6,920 km), 6-8 days