How far is houston from new york

The distance between Houston, Texas and New York City, New York is approximately:

The flight duration from Houston's George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) to New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) is around 3 hours and 30 minutes. However, please note that flight durations can vary depending on several factors such as weather conditions, air traffic, and the specific flight route.

If you're planning to drive from Houston to New York, the most common route would be along Interstate 10 East, which takes you through several states, including Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina before reaching the East Coast. The drive typically takes around 30-40 hours, depending on the number of stops you make along the way.

If you're taking the bus, there are several options available, including Greyhound, Megabus, and FlixBus. The bus journey can take around 30-40 hours, depending on the route and the number of stops.